10th Anniversary Aldridge Celebration

by Vashti Turner  on November 14, 2016  in  Creativity Performance and Creative Arts Sponsor

picture6On the evening of the 8th November 2016, over 100 friends and supporters of the Aldridge Foundation met at Spencer House, in London, to celebrate the trust’s 10th anniversary. The event was marked by a guest speech by Sir David Carter, the National Schools Commissioner.

The KAA music department took nineteen singers across all four year groups to perform at the 10th Anniversary of the Aldridge Foundation.

The evening was a huge success, and Sir Rod was incredibly happy and proud of our KAA students! The girls sang beautifully and were exceptional throughout. The choir sang ‘Pompeii’, ‘Happy Ending’, ‘Read All about It’ and our school song ‘Sing’. Hiba, Sam, Vivian, Zena, Amani, Johara, Yasmin, Nada and Sofia sang some solos during the performance and  were absolutely outstanding.



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