Y7 Welcome Evening 2018

by Vashti Turner  on September 11, 2018  in  Academy News Parents

We are delighted to announce the ‘Welcome to KAA’ Parents’ Evening for Year 7 on Tuesday 18th September.

The Principal Mr Benson will deliver a presentation at 6.30pm to parents which will cover, among other areas, the systems at KAA for communicating and reporting to parents on their child’s assessment results. You can arrive at any point between 6.15pm and 6.30pm. The event will finish at 7.30pm.

Year 7 parents are requested to return the reply slip via their child’s form tutor to indicate if they are able to attend. Wherever possible we would ask that both parents be there with their child. Students must wear their uniform when they accompany their parents.

The presentation will be followed by tours of the school held by members of the Senior Leadership Team as we know that many Year 7 parents have not had the opportunity to view the fantastic facilities available in our purpose-built school.

Full Year 7 Progress Meetings will follow on Thursday 17th January after your child’s first full set of assessments at the end of the Autumn term.

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