
The curriculum at KAA is rich and balanced. Academic excellence, high aspirations and creativity are the driving forces behind the structure of the curriculum. In Year 7 a large amount of time is devoted to the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science. We believe that a strong grounding in these areas is essential to equip students for further study at Advanced and Degree level, and to support their development in other subjects. As a Performing & Creative Arts specialist school, all students in Key Stage 3 have an hour a week of music, drama, dance, art and design technology. We believe performing and creative arts provide essential cultural knowledge to our students and develop a wide range of talents, helping them become confident, expressive communicators.

Our curriculum covers traditional academic subjects but also meets the needs of the modern world. We offer a demanding curriculum, encouraging students to engage with complex, academic ideas from day one of secondary school. KAA students are not passengers in lessons, seeing their role as to just passively commit to memory the information their teachers give them. Instead, students are constantly challenged to extend their thinking, and encouraged to develop their own passion for learning and enquiry. They will develop as creative, resilient learners, who see problems as puzzles to be solved and mistakes as opportunities to improve. we encourage confidence and creativity in lessons and our students increasingly self-direct their studies and take control of their own destinies.

Curriculum Structure

The structure of the curriculum and the subjects we offer at GCSE and A Level (and exam boards) can be found in the curriculum summaries below.


Curriculum Content

Click on the subject icons below to view full curriculum overviews and information about the content of the curriculum in each subject in each academic year. Altenratively, for further information please email








Teaching & Learning Handbook