KAA Big Show Tickets

by Vashti Turner  on November 8, 2018  in  Creativity Dance Drama Events Music Parents Performance and Creative Arts

Everyone at KAA is very excited about our upcoming concert – the KAA “Big Show”. There are performances at 7pm on Wednesday 21st November and Thursday 22nd November. We hope many of our parents and student will come – we expect it to be the best production we have ever done.

The performance on Wednesday 21st November is now sold out, but there are still tickets available on Thursday 22nd November. If you would like a ticket for Thursday 22nd November, please log on to your Parent Pay account and click on the ‘Pay for other items’ button. The tickets are available as ‘The Big Show – Thursday 22nd November 7pm’. Tickets cost £5 each and you can purchase up to 10 tickets.

If you have any trouble booking online please contact Miss Turner by emailing v.turner@kaa.org.uk or by calling 0207 313 5805. Your child can also visit Miss Turner in her office – 016.

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