Aldridge Foundation academies top league table

by doodlelondon  on February 3, 2014  in  Academy News Sponsor

Data released by the Department for Education this month shows that KAA sponsor the Aldridge Foundation’s academies in Brighton and Hove top league table for how fast students improve between joining their secondary school and sitting their GCSEs.

Students Celebrate GCSE Results 2013“Value added” scores are now included with GCSE league table data released by the Department on their website. The scores measure the progress made by each student from the end of Key Stage 2 (primary school) to the end of Key Stage 4 when they sit GCSE’s, using their best eight exam results. A benchmark score of 1000 shows that students are making the national average progress in their secondary education. At schools scoring above 1000 students are consistently making above average progress.

Results for Brighton and Hove schools in 2013 were:

  • Brighton Aldridge Community Academy (BACA) 1017.5
  • Portslade Aldridge Community Academy (PACA) 1002.5
  • Cardinal Newman Catholic School 1001.4
  • Patcham High School 996.1
  • Dorothy Stringer School 994.3
  • Blatchington Mill School and Sixth Form College 993.2
  • Varndean School 966.5
  • Longhill High Schoo1 61.5
  • Hove Park School and Sixth Form Centre 958.6

Source: – KS4 2013 Results / Pupil Progress Best 8 VA Measure

Foundation chairman Sir Rod Aldridge said: ”These results reflect the fantastic approach of our teachers and staff, and the advantage our entrepreneurial education gives our students. Developing creativity, determination, problem-solving, risk-taking, teamwork and passion makes real difference to success in the classroom – and when our students go on to university and the world of work.”

“These results show we are delivering schools that make a real difference to the lives and prospects of young people in the City.”

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