Y9 GCSE Options

by Joanne Chen  on February 3, 2023  in  Academy News

The Year 9 Options Evening on Thursday 2nd February allowed students to learn about and choose their optional subjects for the next academic year. This is an important event as students will be able to select subjects that align with their interests and career goals. The night consisted of a presentation and the opportunity to speak to teachers about each subject. It was a great opportunity for students to make informed decisions about their future educational path. It’s important for students to have access to accurate and comprehensive information when making decisions about their future education. We hope that students and parents found the event helpful and informative, and will feel confident in the choices they make for the next academic year.

A huge thank you to all the parents and students who came to the Year 9 Options Evening. If you could not make the event or want a refresher on what was covered, please find the options booklet and presentation below.

Y9 Options Booklet 2022-23

Y9 Options Eve Presentation 2023

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