KAA Chari-Tree 2023

by Joanne Chen  on December 1, 2023  in  Citizenship Events

The annual KAA Chari-tree charity initiative is back, running from Friday 1st December – Friday 14th December. We invite you to join us in supporting local food banks, including The Trussell Trust, The Dalgarno Trust, and The North Kensington Community Kitchen. Donation boxes are placed under the Chari-tree at the main entrance.

These charities play a vital role in ensuring families have consistent access to food, and your contribution can make a significant impact. If possible, please consider donating to support our local community. Staff and students will personally deliver the collected items to these charities.

In addition to the food drive at KAA, we’ve set up a GoFundMe page to further support our local charities, providing food and toiletries for families leading up to the winter holidays. Your donations will enable us to purchase essential items listed below, contributing to the well-being of our local community.

Your generosity will not only help those in need but also reinforce our commitment to citizenship and community support. Together, let’s make this year’s Chari-tree initiative a resounding success!

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