KAA retains “Outstanding” in latest Ofsted inspection

by Vashti Turner  on May 7, 2024  in  Ofsted

Kensington Aldridge Academy (KAA) is celebrating after retaining its ‘outstanding’ rating in a recent Ofsted inspection. Inspectors visited on 19 and 20 March 2024 and the report, published this week, confirmed that the school continues to be ‘outstanding’. The hugely positive report reflects the school’s community ethos and exceptional curriculum.

On the quality of education provided by the school, the report declares that “pupils receive an exceptional education at this school” and “the school provides a curriculum that is ambitious and sharply focused on making learning memorable.” They also noted that “pupils flourish because the school has high academic ambitions for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).”

Praising the school’s culture of diversity, inclusion and community, the report also states that “the school has fostered a strong community that is welcoming and warm. The school is led with both sensitivity and determination, building a vibrant school in which pupils excel.” The report goes on to say that “the house system and school values are at the core of the school and create a collegiate atmosphere on site. Pupils feel safe and are respectful in this diverse community.”

As a school we were particularly pleased that inspectors recognised that “successes and achievements are celebrated and the ‘intrepidus badge awards’ are held in high regard.” They also observed that “the school provides an array of opportunities to develop pupils character… the school creates a thirst for learning and is driven by its motto intrepidus: boldly encouraging pupils to take risks without fear. This ethos builds both resilience and creativity.”

Commending pupils’ behaviour and attitudes, the inspectors commented that “staff have consistently high expectations of pupils behaviour. Pupils behave very well and are committed to their learning.” Commenting further on student behaviour, the report recognises that students are “courteous and respectful to each other and adults.”

The report concluded that “parents and carers speak highly of the school and the ‘can-do ’attitude that enables pupils to thrive and excel” stating that “Kensington Aldridge Academy continues to be an outstanding school.”

Anna Jordan, Principal at KAA, said, “I’m delighted with this news, which recognises the hard work of staff, trustees and all our external partners to maintain a community school which, in Ofsted’s words, delivers an “exceptional education” for our community. It is particularly pleasing that the inspectors praised our pupils’ respectful behaviour, their positive attitude to learning and the ambitious curriculum and excellent subject knowledge provided by our staff.”

“I wish to thank our talented staff who are committed to ensuring our pupils’ learning is engaging and memorable, every single day. The report also validates our strong partnership with parents, committed trustees, dedicated staff, and wonderful students, and exemplifies the strong community in our school.”

Chair of Governors, Paul Fletcher, said, “As the Chair of Trustees, I was incredibly proud of all students and staff and it is wonderful to see that the school has continued to provide an outstanding education over the six years since our first full inspection in 2017. This excellent result is richly deserved and reflects the consistently high standard of commitment given by KAA staff.”

To read Mr Fletcher’s full letter to parents, click here.

The full inspection report can be viewed as a PDF here.

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