U13 Girls’ Football vs Hammersmith Academy & Chelsea Academy

by Vashti Turner  on November 26, 2015  in  Sports

Match Report by Miss Demeester

IMG_3233 On Monday 23rd November we hosted our first matches of the season on the MUGA right here at KAA. We welcomed Hammersmith Academy and Chelsea Academy to the school to play QPR League matches.

A close match against Hammersmith saw Tahana- Fay Ellis score a brilliant penalty under pressure and Vitara Herman working hard in mid-field to keep the ball. The match finished at a close loss, with the final score 2-1.

Next they challenged Chelsea Academy. Year 7 Goal Keeper Hannah McMillan made a brilliant save early on in the match and Rita Shaqiri came onto the pitch with some great defending skills. Chelsea snuck a goal in but we were quick to equalise. The girls pushed hard as the pitch got darker but the match finished in a 1-1 draw.

Woman of the Match: Tahana-Fay Ellis

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