Sixth Form Enrolment Day

by Vashti Turner  on August 18, 2016  in  Sixth Form

There is just one week to go until Sixth Form Enrolment Day at KAA! The academy will be open from 9.30 am on Thursday 25th August for enrolment; please arrive as soon as possible after this time, and in any event before 3pm.

You must bring your statement of results to enrolment. If you have got your results electronically, rather than going in person to your previous school, please bring a print-out.

There will be the opportunity to discuss subject choices with a member of KAA’s Senior Leadership Team on enrolment day; we recognise that plans can change in the light of actual results.

If you have missed your offer, come and talk to us; we will be as reasonable as possible. The more information you can give us, the better, including a breakdown of the marks in the subject where you have missed your offer; missing by a couple of marks is clearly a different proposition to missing by a whole grade.

If for any reason you are unable to attend on enrolment day (e.g. you will be abroad) we will need to know this in advance. Please notify us by email ( or phone (0207 313 5800). On enrolment day you can confirm that you will be taking up your place by phone / email, but please be aware that we will need to see a statement of results before we can finalise the enrolment. We are also likely to be extremely busy on 25th August, so we may not be able to reply to emails or phone calls as fast as we would like.

If you are a late applicant, or have a place on the waiting list, we would still be delighted to see you on enrolment day, but we would ask that you come in from 2pm to allow us to deal with our other offer-holders first.

Good luck to all students awaiting their results next week!


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