2016 School Games Presentation Evening

by Vashti Turner  on October 13, 2016  in  Academy News Sports

epicawardOn September 21st Epic hosted the 2016 School Games and London Youth Games Presentation Evening. The event acknowledges young sports personalities and celebrates the achievements of Kensington and Chelsea’s ‘talented, inspiring sports heroes’.

Mr Bernard proudly represented KAA alongside many other local schools. KAA were nominated for ‘Highest Placed Team’ and the ‘Recognition Award’. Mr Bernard and a handful of KAA students anxiously waited as Epic announced the 6 other schools that were also nominated within the same category. The results was revealed and the award for the highest placed team in the borough went to KAA Year 8 boys for Sports Hall Athletics.

The former GB Olympian Donna Fraser and RBKC Cllr Elizabeth Rutherford awarded KAA with their trophy.

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