Aut1 Awards Assembly 2016

by Vashti Turner  on October 14, 2016  in  Academy News House Competitions Performance and Creative Arts

This afternoon was a historic moment in KAA’s history as we celebrated the success of our students this term in our very first whole school awards assembly with a full Key Stage 3 and sixth formers.

Aut1 assembly
Mr Benson welcoming students to the first whole school awards assembly of the year

The assembly included performances from the samba band and choir, reflections from students in each year group, and a reading of a piece of creative writing by Jana (8 Fitzgerald), which was awarded second place in a national competition run by The National Literacy Trust this summer.

The winners of the Autumn 1 interim house competitions were awarded with house points. Each year group had a separate house basketball competition throughout the half term and on Friday 30th September Franklin won Times Tables Rock Stars and earned 2500 house points.

The central House Competition this half term – worth 10,000 house points – was House Art & Design. The brief was to produce a set of 10 photographs representing the community and exploring people, environment, architecture and atmosphere. Students submitted individual collections, all entries were marked out of 10 by the Art and Design Technology departments, and these marks were added up to give a total for each house.

Photograph by Julia - 12 Attlee
Photograph by Julia – 12 Attlee

Angelou were awarded first place for their photography entries, with Julia (12 Attlee) receiving the highest score for her beautiful series of photographs. Franklin placed 2nd, Pankhurst 3rd and Honeyball came 4th. The standard of work submitted by all houses was fantastic – a selection of entries will be posted soon.

Whilst Franklin’s success in the House Basketball and Times Table Rock Stars gave them the most points in the interim competitions, Honeyball dominated in the Year 12 scholar of the week throughout the term and Pankhurst claimed the most house points from gold and silver merits. However, the 10,000 house points awarded to Angelou for House Art & Design made the difference between first and second place at the end of Autumn 1. Angelou have finished the half term 1,605 points ahead of second place Franklin. Congratulations Team Angelou!



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