
Category: Sports

Team GB 2012 gold medallists visit KAA to deliver rowing sessions

by Vashti Turner  on November 16, 2017  in  Sports

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DebateBox at the Harrow Club

by Vashti Turner  on October 27, 2017  in  Sports

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Y8 Boys Football vs Farringtons School

by Vashti Turner  on October 3, 2017  in  Sports

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Foreshore Festival 2017

by Vashti Turner  on September 25, 2017  in  Sports

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Kayaking, Canoeing & Climbing Sessions from EPIC

by Vashti Turner  on September 1, 2017  in  Sports Trips

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Sports Day 2017

by Vashti Turner  on July 18, 2017  in  House Competitions Sports

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Soufian wins silver medal at the National Championships

by Vashti Turner  on July 10, 2017  in  Sports

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BDA vs KAA basketball match

by Vashti Turner  on July 7, 2017  in  Sports

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QPR Finals – Sunday 14th May

by Vashti Turner  on May 11, 2017  in  Sports

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Y7 Netball Team represents RBKC at the London School Games

by Vashti Turner  on March 23, 2017  in  Sports

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