Consultation on Proposed Arrangements for Admissions

by Vashti Turner  on December 14, 2018  in  Academy News Admissions

We are consulting on our arrangements for admissions in the 2020/21 academic year and would like to hear any comments parents might have. There are two proposed changes:


Change 1: Increasing sibling priority

Currently the priority for applications works as follows:

A.    Looked After and previously Looked After Children.

B.    Children who live in the defined priority area who have a sibling at the Academy.

C.   Children who live within the defined priority area who live nearest to the Academy

D.   Children who live outside the defined priority area who have a sibling at the Academy.

E.    Children who live outside the defined priority area who live nearest to the Academy.

We are proposing to swap priority (C) and (D).


In recent years we have heard from a small number of who were able to get their older children into KAA, but who haven’t been able to get their younger children in, either because they have moved further away from the academy since the older sibling joined, or because the furthest offer in the year their younger child wanted to join was not as far as it was in the year their older child did. Whilst this is not a widespread problem, for the few families it has affected it has split siblings up, and we wish to now amend the prioritization to avoid this happening in future.

Change 2: Introducing a performing and creative arts aptitude test admissions pathway for (up to) 18 students a year in each Year 7.

This proposed change would see us admit up to 18 students (10%) of our annual Year 7 intake to those who are able to demonstrate an aptitude in Performing and Creative Arts through an aptitude test in these subjects. Applicants for these places would have to complete a supplementary form, available from the academy. Following a successful consultation, we will add further details about this to our website. An important element of this test is that the first nine offers will be to students who qualify for the “pupil premium”. This safeguard will ensure the socio-economic background of students coming via the aptitude route will reflect that of the wider school. The second 9 offers can be for pupil premium or non-pupil premium – they will be offered on the basis of the score in the aptitude test.


This consultation is for the attention of:

–       Parents of children between the ages of two and eighteen

–       Other persons in the area who have an interest in the proposed arrangements

–       All other admission authorities within the local area

–       The local authority

–       Any adjoining neighbouring local authorities

–       Any local faith organisation


A copy of the proposed admissions policy for 2020/21 is available here.

A copy of the proposed supplementary information form for admissions here.


The consultation period is open for six weeks between 14th December 2018 and 31st January 2019 and any comments should be submitted in writing to:


Vashti Turner

Communications Manager

Kensington Aldridge Academy

1 Silchester Road,


W10 6EX

If you prefer you can email your comments to


Following the consultation period all submitted comments will be considered at a governors meeting and the final arrangements will be published on this website no later than 15th March 2019.

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