David Cameron visits NCS & KAA

by Vashti Turner  on May 13, 2017  in  Academy News

On Tuesday 2nd May, Kensington Aldridge Academy welcomed David Cameron as he visited the National Citizen Service (NCS), whose offices are hosted in the academy.

NCS is an inspiring personal development programme for sixth formers in the UK and David Cameron is a patron of the organisation. We are very proud to host NCS within the KAA campus, and of course our Year 12 students benefit hugely from 1-1 mentoring provided by NCS team members and graduates.

During his visit, David Cameron spoke to some Year 12 students about their experiences working with NCS. The former Prime Minister also met with a group of Year 9 students to speak about what it is like to be part of a brand new school. This was a fantastic visit for our students, who will have benefited greatly from meeting such a prominent politician.

David Cameron Visits NCS Trust, 2nd of May, 2017, London, England.



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