KAA Boys Athletics team compete in the London School Games

by Vashti Turner  on February 27, 2015  in  Sports

After a spectacular victory at the RBKC Indoor Athletics tournament last half term the KAA boys team were selected to represent the borough at the London School Games this week. The boys travelled to Harrow Leisure Centre to take on the best from all the West London boroughs. Competition was fierce and the quality of competition very high, but the KAA students were more than a match for their counterparts.

It proved to be a very close competition with only 1 or 2 points separating the top teams, and KAA finished in 3rd place of all the schools competing. A huge congratulations to the team; Ethan Roach (7 Kidston), Bilal El-Harrak (7 Berners-Lee), Ezekiel Crosdale-de Freitas (7 Simmons), Roberto Gjokaj (7 Balon), Cameron John-Jules (7 Balon) and Jeriel Quainoo (7 Kidston).

2015 Boys Athletics


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