Open morning announced for 12th October

by Alan Brooks  on October 3, 2013  in  Uncategorized

The recent open evenings, kindly hosted by Avondale Park Primary School proved a great success, with the first sessions on the 18th September being standing room only! Many thanks to everyone who came along to hear more about the academy and to meet Principal David Benson.KAA Open Evening 2 web

For those who could not make the September events we have arranged an extra Open Morning on Saturday 12th October for parents interested in applying for September 2014. The event will take place from 10am – 12 noon at Café Nova, 3-5 Thorpe Close, London, W10 5XL. Tea and coffee will be provided.

If you have any questions and would like to meet David in person please do attend the Open Morning. Equally, if you know other parents who weren’t able to attend our Open Evenings but may be interested in applying for a place at the academy for their son or daughter, please do pass this information to them.

In the meantime you can download a copy of the slides Principal David Benson used at the open evenings and see the video he used here. Please note that they are designed to be talked to so may not make full sense in isolation. We hope they still give a flavour of the evening though – especially when looked at with our prospectus.


2 responses to Open morning announced for 12th October

  • Can I subscribe to your email newsletter – thank you. Also please let me know the weekend coffee morning planned, thanks.

    • Hi Shona

      Thank you for your contact. The Open Morning is this coming Saturday (12th) at Cafe Nova W10, 10am – 12 noon. Full details on the website.
      I have added you to our email list.

      Kind regards

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