Parents’ Evening: 17th & 18th June

by Vashti Turner  on June 10, 2015  in  Assessment Parents

This is a reminder that enrichment is cancelled on Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th June for Parents’ Evening. We have split the event over two evenings so that parents have the opportunity to speak to all of their child’s teachers. The evenings are organised so that parents will attend on Wednesday or Thursday, depending on which house their child is a part of:

Honeyball and Pankhurst

Wednesday 17th June 4.30pm – 6.30pm

Franklin and Angelou

Thursday 18th June 4.30pm – 6.30pm


This is an important parents’ evening as students are now preparing for their End of Year Examinations (Monday 29th June – Friday 3rd July). You will have the opportunity to speak to all of your child’s teachers to discuss their progress this year and what they need to do in preparation for the summer assessments.

All students will leave school at 3.50pm on Wednesday and Thursday. Those attending parents evening are expected to return with their parents in full school uniform. Due to the late finish for both students and staff, students will start school at the later times of 9.30am on Thursday and 8.50am on Friday.


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