Sixth Form Open Evening 2017

by Vashti Turner  on November 8, 2017  in  Sixth Form

Due to popular demand from parents we have changed the location of our final sixth form open evening to take place at our temporary school on Scrubs Lane. To be clear, we anticipate being back in our Silchester Road building in September 2018, but we have added this open evening at our temporary site as a result of requests from potential students and parents.

The open evening begins at 6.30pm sharp with a presentation from Principal and the Vice Principal in charge of Sixth Form. After the presentation there will be an opportunity to tour the academy and speak to our teachers and current sixth formers. A final Q & A with Mr Pavey and Mr Benson will being at 7.30pm for those that have further questions or missed the main presentation.

When? Thursday 9th November 2017, 6.30pm

Where? KAA2, Scrubs Lane, London, W12 0DE

How? To register fill in the registration form here.Band

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