Support Us

KAA is a brand new 11-18 school situated in the heart of North Kensington. Miriam Rosen, former Chief Inspector of Ofsted, said that KAA “has made a remarkable start and is already securing highly positive outcomes for students.” However, provision beyond the classroom will make a huge difference to the students at KAA, for which we need to build a network of supporters.

How will my donation help?

Many of our students come from challenging backgrounds – 65% of our students qualify for Pupil Premium – the government’s measure of social deprivation.

There are huge and measurable benefits for the development of these students by engaging in extra activities outside the classroom, such as music tuition and enrichment classes.

We desperately need support to help enable our students to achieve their true potential and be valuable members of our community.

Please join the network of supporters we are building, Brick by Brick.

Donations to the students at KAA will enable us to provide opportunities that shape each individual student’s future and help the next generation to flourish.

Your donation really will make a difference.

Please download our pledge card here or contact for cheque or bank transfer details.

We would like to acknowledge and show our immense gratitude to all our supporters:

Lucy Morris
Richard & Rogy Nelson
Charlie & Rene Chiara
Lucy Morris
Richard & Rogy Nelson
Charlie & Rene Chiara
Lucy Morris
Richard & Rogy Nelson
Charlie & Rene Chiara
Lucy Morris
Richard & Rogy Nelson
Charlie & Rene Chiara
Lucy Morris
Richard & Rogy Nelson
Charlie & Rene Chiara
Lucy Morris
Adam Balon
Charlotte Warshaw
Fran Perry
Adam Balon
Charlotte Warshaw
Fran Perry
Adam Balon
Charlotte Warshaw
Fran Perry
Adam Balon
Charlotte Warshaw
Fran Perry
Adam Balon
Charlotte Warshaw
Fran Perry
Adam Balon
Charlotte Warner
Anne Beaty
Daniella Chiara
Charlotte Warner
Anne Beaty
Daniella Chiara
Charlotte Warner
Anne Beaty
Daniella Chiara
Charlotte Warner
Anne Beaty
Daniella Chiara
Charlotte Warner
Anne Beaty
Daniella Chiara
Charlotte Warner
Polly & Jamie Carr
John T Beaty &
Anne Mehringer
Polly & Jamie Carr
John T Beaty &
Anne Mehringer
Polly & Jamie Carr
John T Beaty &
Anne Mehringer
Polly & Jamie Carr
John T Beaty &
Anne Mehringer
Polly & Jamie Carr
John T Beaty &
Anne Mehringer
Polly & Jamie Carr
John T Beaty &
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could buy one week of instrument tuition for one student

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could buy four new fiction titles for the academy library

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could pay for a student bursary for one term of after school enrichment