Y11 Mock Exams

by Vashti Turner  on November 23, 2018  in  Assessment Exams

Year 11 are sitting their mock GCSEs from Monday 26th November to Friday 7th December. The timetables for these exams are provided below for parent reference.

We are keen to make this mock exam experience as much like the real GCSE weeks ahead of us, as possible. This means there are no normal Year 11 lessons taking place this week. Instead students must use the time they are not in exams to complete independent revision work.

The best place to carry out this independent revision is in the library or a designated study space at school. For every exam session we have put aside separate Y11 study space and teachers to support this. If students would prefer to, however, they are also able spend this time revising at home instead. All students must be in school for every single one of their exams, however they are free to leave early or arrive late if they don’t have an afternoon / morning exam.

There are 3 exam sessions each day, two in the morning and one in the afternoon. Students must arrive at school by 8:30 for session 1. If they have no Session 1 exam then they can arrive to school at 11:10 for Session 2. If students have no exam in the morning, they must be in school by 13:45 for the afternoon exams. Students are also welcome to leave school early if they have no Session 3 exam.

Please discuss with your son / daughter how they are going to structure their revision time and where you think they will work best. We are going to leave this decision up to them so please make sure you are aware where they should be every morning / afternoon. Please also note, detention and some intervention sessions will still run as usual this week. Students should know if this applies to them.

These Mock Exams are an important stage in preparing students for their final GCSE exams. I know you will support your child with their revision and encourage them as much as possible. We look forward to sharing your son or daughter’s results with you on Monday 17th December at our Y11 Mock Results Evening at 6pm.

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