Y7-Y10 Spring Term Assessment Week

by Vashti Turner  on March 18, 2022  in  Assessment

Students in Year 7 to 10 are taking end of term assessments in all subjects in the coming weeks. The majority of these will take place during the Spring Term Assessment Week, which runs from Monday 21st March to Friday 25th March. Some subjects, particularly those with practical exams (for example in drama or dance), may take place outside of the formal assessment week. Students will be told by their classroom teachers which lesson their assessment takes place in.

We would very much appreciate parents help as we move into this key period. Please ensure students are revising at home every day and as well prepared as possible. They should arrive at school on time each morning, ready to try their best in every test.

Students will be able to review their performance and receive their marks for most subjects in the final week of term. Straight after the Easter break, we will email parents a summary of all results in a Spring Term Parent Report. This will come by email.

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