Y8 Boys’ Football vs Kew House School

by Vashti Turner  on October 22, 2015  in  Sports

Match Report by Mr Hajjaj

IMG_1732The second round of the English Schools’ Cup saw an enthralling encounter against two confident teams, raring to display their talent. A brace of hat-tricks in as many games from Bilal El-Harrak, one from Tyrece Carter and one from Bilal Bakali saw KAA comfortably through to the third round.

A lapse in concentration gifted Kew House an early lead after just 4 minutes. This early blow served as our kick-start as debutant Tyrece found himself with a gaping goal to tap the ball in after some brilliant play on the right. With 26 minutes played, KAA were 3 -1 down and were being out played by the Kew House playmaker who wreaked havoc against us. A tactical change was made, Cameron John Jules, who was playing holding midfield was tasked with the responsibility to man mark their star player who hardly touched the ball thereafter. This proved to be the turning point of the game. With the threat eliminated, KAA regrouped and begun their forward march towards an outstanding victory.

With momentum on our side, the boys were eager to commence the second half. Having missed several chances, Kew House counter attacked. With our defence exposed, a desperate last ditch challenge in the area saw Kew House awarded a penalty. Up steps their playmaker who strikes the ball bottom corner bound. Michael Williams dives to his right and makes a picturesque save to keep us in the game.

Bilal E scores another two within 15 minutes to give KAA a 4-3 lead with his third being a lob from the half way line. KAA up their flare and the showmanship begins. The lovely combination of passes and trickery deflated Kew House allowing Jeriel Quainoo to clear from the half way line forcing the keeping to knock the ball onto the crossbar. The ball fell to Bilal B who drilled it top corner to end the game in style.

Man of the Match:  Cameron John Jules

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