Year 10 End of Year Exams – Monday 1st July to Friday 5th July

by Joanne Chen  on June 20, 2024  in  Assessment

Year 10 students will be sitting their End of Year Mock Examinations from Monday 1st July to Friday 5th July. This is a great opportunity for your child to demonstrate what they have learnt throughout their first year of GCSEs at KAA and also to experience what taking GCSE exams will feel like.

This means that your child’s normal timetable will be replaced with an examination timetable. As students are all sitting different exams, due to their options being different, we will issue each student with their own personal timetable next week. For your reference, a copy of the overall timetable is attached to this letter. On days when they do not have an afternoon exam, they will be dismissed from school at 2:10pm. It is essential that your son/daughter is aware of when their different exams are, so that they can plan their revision effectively.

Students will sit exams in the sports hall in most cases, and will be invigilated formally; we hope this will give them an effective understanding of and preparation for their GCSE examinations next summer. Their personal exam timetable will also include their seat number in the sports hall, so they must look after these to aid a smooth examination period. Please note that all assessments are written assessments, so students should come to school in their school uniform every day, and will not need their PE kit.

Attendance to school during the weeks running up to end of year exams, and then during exam week itself, is paramount. Please can we ask for your support in encouraging your child to come to school every day this term to make the most of this important learning time.

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