Year 12 End of Year Exams – Monday 24th June to Friday 5th July
by Joanne Chen on June 17, 2024 in Assessment
Year 12 students will be sitting their End of Year Examinations from Monday 24th June to Friday 5th July. This is a great opportunity for your child to demonstrate what they have learnt during their first year of their A-level courses and will provide an indication of their forecast grades ahead of writing their UCAS statements for their university applications.
Students will sit these exams in the Dance Studio under full external exam conditions and will be invigilated formally to give students effective preparation for their A-level examinations next year. This means that your child’s normal timetable will be replaced with an examination timetable, which will be issued at the beginning of next week. For your reference, a copy is attached to this email.
Students will only be in school for an exam or to study in the sixth-form library. They must sign in and out of the building using the Inventory screen in reception and do not need to be on-site if they do not have any exams. Students are only permitted to arrive and leave KAA before school, during break, or at lunchtime. Arrival or departure between periods will not be permitted.
In a few cases, a student may have an exam clash due to two of their subjects running at the same time. Their personalised timetable, which they will also receive next week, will detail when they should sit any conflicting exams.
Please note, that entry into Year 13 is contingent on the end-of-year forecast that is heavily informed by the exams. Students need to secure at least a grade D forecast to continue the course. In a situation where they do not, a collections test will be offered before the end of the term, offering one final chance. Attendance to exams is a compulsory commitment to the sixth form and failure to show up at the scheduled time will result in them receiving an X for their assessment and this assessment will not be used by their teachers when calculating their forecast grade.
Week 1 – Monday 24th June – Friday 28th June
Week 2 – Monday 1st July – Friday 5th July
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