Year 7 & Year 8 End of Year Exams – Monday 17th June to Friday 21st June

by Joanne Chen  on June 7, 2024  in  Assessment

Year 7 and Year 8 students will be sitting their End of Year Examinations from Monday 17th June to Friday 21st June. This is a great opportunity for your child to demonstrate what they have learnt throughout their first year at KAA in advance of their upcoming end of year reports.

During this week, your child’s normal timetable will be replaced with an examination timetable, which they will be issued with early next week. For your reference, a copy is attached below. Parents can view the topics students have been studying this year to assist with revision by viewing the relevant subject pages of our website.

All assessments are written assessments so students should come to school in their normal school uniform every day, not their PE kit. Students will sit these in classrooms, and the exams will be administered by their usual teachers to ensure they are as comfortable as possible.

Please note that the last exam of the week finishes at the end of Period 4 on Friday. Students will remain on site for lunch and be registered by their teachers before being dismissed from school at the earlier time of 2:05pm.

We are conscious that Eid al-Adha this year may fall on Monday 17th June. We have carefully considered which exams to put on this day. We do encourage students to come in and take these end of year exams if possible, but if you do choose for them to take the day off we will ensure they receive an end of year grade for their English, maths, science, drama and RE exams, using their other exam papers or if there is time, catching up with the exams later the same week.

Form tutors will be explaining to students in detail how the exam week will run, including our behaviour expectations. It is important to note that we have extremely high expectations for behaviour during examinations and any disruption to the assessments will be treated as very serious incidents.

Year 7 – Monday 17th June to Friday 21st June

Year 8 – Monday 17th June to Friday 21st June

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