
The English Department has designed its curriculum on the premise that students should be taught to ‘play the whole game’ of English from Year 7. As far as possible they should carry out processes that mirror the work of professionals who read, write and orate for a living. The interesting thing about this is that no one is exempt from these processes or skills! A master of English does not become an ‘Englishian’ or an ‘Englicist’; masters of English are at the top of their chosen field whatever that may be. Lawyers read and dispute contracts; plumbers use and create manuals; estate agents cajole and persuade; the list goes on with parents perhaps having the greatest need of all to infer and negotiate. In short, we believe that a secure grounding in English extends far beyond the discreet academic subject – it prepares the way for our students’ success in adult life.

‘Playing the whole game’ means that students learn to:

• Reading: Understand the writer at work;  interpret meaning from the writing of others

• Writing: Be able to write convincingly for a range of audiences /  purposes; communicate meaning effectively

• Oracy: Be able to speak articulately, adapting language as appropriate for audience/purpose.

KS3 English Curriculum Map

Year 7

You can download the full curriculum overview from the link below:

KAA Curriculum Overview – English YEAR 7 2022-23

Year 8

You can download the full curriculum overview from the link below:

KAA Curriculum Overview – English YEAR 8 2022-23

Year 9

You can download the full curriculum overview from the link below:

KAA Curriculum Overview – English YEAR 9

KS4 English Curriculum Map

Exam board: AQA

You can download the full curriculum overview from the links below:

KAA Curriculum Overview – English YEAR 10

KAA Curriculum Overview – English YEAR 11