Year 11 Tutoring and Intervention

by Vashti Turner  on May 25, 2019  in  Assessment

We are really proud of how our founder cohort have approached their GCSE exams in the final weeks of the half term.

Over the past weeks leading up to our first set of GCSE exams, selected students have been working with The Tutor Network and Mannings, who have provided 1-1 online and school-based tutoring. Mannings have been working with KAA since September 2017 providing our students with 1-1 tutoring in the lead up to national exams. The Tutor Network provided Year 11 with 1-1 online tutoring sessions thanks to donations from the organisation’s investors. Read more about the project here: Our thanks to The Tutor Network and Mannings for the exam preparation work they have done with our students.

For the remaining exams after the half term break, KAA teachers are providing half term and weekend interventions on the following dates. This information is also available to students on KAA Online.

Tuesday 28th May – Dance (10am – 2pm)

Wednesday 28th May – Dance (10am – 2pm)

Thursday 30th May – History (10am – 1pm)

Friday 31st May – English (9am – 12pm)

Friday 31st May – History (1pm – 4pm)

Sunday 8th June – Statistics (9am – 12pm)

Sunday 8th June – History (10am – 1pm)

Saturday 15th June – Statistics (9am – 12pm)

After the half term break Year 11 students are expected in school for all exams and masterclass (from 8.30am for morning exams and 11.30am for afternoon exams). Teachers will also be available in school during timetabled Year 11 lessons to work with students on revision and exam preparation should students wish to come in to school to revise.

A reminder that GCSE exams take place on the staff training days after the half term break on Monday 3rd June (History at 9am and Psychology at 2pm) and Tuesday 4th June (English at 9am and Music at 2pm). 

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