Y11 & Y13 Progression work
by Vashti Turner on April 23, 2020 in Academy News KAA@Home
Progression Work Launch
Year 11
The Ofqual decision to not require further GCSE work creates an exciting opportunity for Year 11 learning this half term and we strongly encourage students to make the most of it. Year 11 will follow an open timetable for the next five weeks and direct their own study. Developing this independence is key preparation for Y12. Students should make their own schedules and complete between 4 and 6 hours of school work a day, following what we post on KAA@Home. The curriculum will be;
- English & Maths skills boosters. Whatever students do next year, maximising knowledge of these two core subjects is essential.
- Y12 bridging work – A Level Version. Most students in Y11 want to study A Levels next year, either at KAA or another sixth form. We will be setting work that will prepare students for these courses, and develop broader knowledge and critical thinking skills that will make pupils more confident and capable A Level students. Students should choose bridging work for the 4 subjects they know they want to study, and submit work to teachers as per the instructions on KAA@Home. Please note that doing bridging work in a subject is not a promise of a place at KAA Sixth Form – admissions will work as normal, based off the grades students are awarded.
- Y12 bridging work – Vocational Version. Some students will be studying vocational courses next year, and we will be contacting them individually to suggest work they could usefully do. In the meantime, they should focus on English & Maths skills boosters, which will be particularly important for this group.
This work is focused on ensuring that you continue to develop skills in two of your core subjects and are prepared for your studies next year. Work will be available from Monday 27th April and will be updated regularly. You should join classes this week so you are ready for next week. For full instructions on this are included in the letter below:
Y11 Progression Work 23 April 2020
Year 13
Year 13 will follow an open timetable and will direct their own study. Developing this independence is key preparation for university. Students should make their own schedules, following the suggestions from University@KAA outlined below:
- University reading lists. Almost all students in Year 13 want to go on to university in the autumn. Heads of department will publish suggested reading lists for their subjects.
- Undergraduate seminars. Teachers will put on undergraduate-level seminars, which students will be able to sign up for. We expect all of our students will want to do this, but it is entirely optional. The only thing we would ask is that students sign up at least a week in advance, do any pre-reading set, and then attend, so that teachers don’t waste a huge amount of time in preparation.
- Self-directed study. There is a world of MOOCs and TED talks out there. If students find something particularly interesting, they should share it with everyone else and with the head of department, so it can be integrated into University@KAA. If there is a particularly good MOOC, we may be able to help with (modest) course fees via the bursary fund. Please go via the head of department, who will be able to have a look and recommend it (or not).
Instructions from Mr Whitlock for signing up for progression seminars are included in the letter below:
Y13 Progression Work 23 April 2020
When I click on KAA@Home it comes up with a Google error. What should I do?
The single most common issue is that you are not signed in correctly with your KAA Google account. Please follow the KAA@Home step by step guide to check you are signed in correctly in 2 easy steps!
I’ve forgotten my password for my KAA account. How do I reset it?
Password requests can be submitted by yourself or your parent by completing the form on the Coronavirus: key information page. We need to verify your identity so please submit parent contact details. Parents and students will then receive an email and text message with the new password.
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