Grenfell Four Year Anniversary Events

by Vashti Turner  on June 9, 2021  in  Grenfell

On Monday 14 June the school is marking the four year anniversary of the Grenfell Tower tragedy to remember the KAA students we lost, and all victims of the fire. Although we are four years on, the pain of Grenfell is still felt by our community, and in particular the bereaved and survivor families. The 14th June anniversary will always be an important event for KAA.

Students and staff will be encouraged to go “Green for Grenfell” on the 14 June, to help remember victims of the fire and show solidarity with the affected families. Form Tutors will be publicising this to their tutees this week.

In the morning, students will watch a virtual anniversary assembly during Tutor Period. This is being created by current KAA students themselves, and we will make it available on KAA Online for parents.

At 4.15pm after school, we will hold a short service in the Grenfell Memorial Garden on our Art Terrace. Any KAA student or parent who is interested in attending this can request a place – please just complete this short form to support our planning We would love to have everyone, but we will need to stay compliant with Covid rules, so it may be we need to prioritise some requests (e.g. those from surviving or bereaved families). Anyone who requests a place will receive a reply.

We remain extremely grateful to all students, parents and staff for the way they have pulled together in the years since the tragedy, and shown such kindness and compassion towards each other. We’re very conscious the anniversary may cause an emotional reaction for some students and staff, and have been planning how to best support them. Our Place2Be counselling capacity is being increased around the time of the anniversary, and they will be offering drop in sessions to all students at specific times. These will be advertised during Form Tutor sessions, and you can mention them to your children if you think they would benefit. We will also have our mentoring team on hand throughout the day to work with any students who are distressed and would like to talk.

Parents of Year 7 & Year 8 students should note that on Monday 14 June only, we will be asking students to enter and exit the school via the main entrance on Silchester Road, to allow more privacy to the families visiting the Grenfell Tower site via Station Approach on the anniversary.

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