Y7 & Y10 End of Year Exams

by Vashti Turner  on June 16, 2021  in  Exams

End of Year exams for Year 7 and Year 10 students take place from Monday 21st June to Friday 25th June.

This is a great opportunity for Year 7s to demonstrate what they have learnt throughout their first year at KAA in advance of their upcoming end of year reports. For Year 10, this is an extremely important opportunity for us to assess how students are progressing in their GCSE courses, with only one year until their final examinations.

For Monday 21st June to Friday 25th June students in Year 7 and Year 10 will follow their End of Year exam timetable, instead of their usual lesson timetable. Students have been issued their personal exam timetable, but the year group timetables are provided below for parent reference.

Please note that all assessments are written assessments so students should come to school in their normal school uniform every day, not their PE kit. For students in Year 10, in the event of students having no examination in the afternoon, they will be allowed to leave the academy site. Similarly, some afternoon examinations may finish earlier than 3.50pm and students will be dismissed at the end of the exam. The library will remain open and supervised for any students who wish to remain at school to revise for their remaining assessments.

Information on our assessment policy can be found at https://kaa.org.uk/teaching-learning/assessment/.






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