Art Terrace Expansion Consultation

by Vashti Turner  on September 21, 2022  in  Academy Constuction Academy News Events

Kensington Aldridge Academy (KAA) wishes to undergo a one form entry (1FE) expansion to support the community by meeting the demand for more local places. The school is currently a six form entry secondary school with 240 sixth form places. The proposed expansion looks to deliver a seven form entry secondary provision with 280 sixth form places.

Based on an analysis of the existing accommodation, we need to build seven additional classrooms and some additional staff office space to accommodate this increase in numbers. With very little land around the school, there is a need to identify a solution within the school’s existing footprint. Our ‘Art Terrace’ plan achieves this.

To view the full consultation, visit

Consultation Process

·         Wednesday 20th September  – Consultation opens – consultation boards available online at and in academy foyer, leaflets distributed in the community.

·         Wednesday 28th September, 4.30pm-8pm – Consultation event at Kensington Aldridge Academy, 1 Silchester Road, London, W10 6EX. Consultation boards on display.

·         Wednesday 5th October, 4.30pm-8pm – Consultation event at Kensington Aldridge Academy, 1 Silchester Road, London, W10 6EX. Consultation boards on display.

·         Thursday 18th October – Consultation closes, we will then start the Statement of Community Involvement which will also take on board comments from the consultation process. In addition to this we will also review the design following the public consultation, if required.

Submitting Comments to the Consultation

Please use this form to submit your comments having read the information and documents carefully relating to the proposals.

The information you submit in this form will be reviewed by the ‘Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Council’ as the ‘Controller’ under the General Data Protection Regulations, who will ensure that any information is processed fairly and lawfully.

Planning related responses will be shared only for the purpose of validation which will enable a fair and just consultation. We request that you do not submit any personal information e.g. name, address etc. Please note that this online form closes at midday on Thursday 18th October 2022, so please ensure that you have reviewed and commented before this date.

Please submit completed questionnaires to

KAA Public Consultation Questionnaire (Microsoft Word file)

KAA Public Consultation Questionnaire (PDF file)

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