Angelou win House Drama!

by Vashti Turner  on March 31, 2023  in  House Competitions

The major house competition in the spring 2 term was House Drama, with the finals taking place on Thursday 30th March.

The competition this year challenged each house to create a murder mystery piece under 10 minutes long. Angleou’s was set in a restaurant, Franklin’s was set in school, Honeyball’s took place in a manor house, and Pankhurst’s on the Stansted Express. All four pieces were engaging and creative interpretations of the murder mystery genre!

During the finals, the students (111 in total!) performed three times, to an audience of Year 9, Year 8 and Year 7. The final performance to Year 7 was in front of our external judges  Hayley from ITV, Laurence Bowen CEO of Dancing Ledge Productions, West End Actor Jude Owusu and professional opera singer Ross.

Huge congratulations to Angelou on being placed first, winning 20,000 house points. It was an extremely close competition, and the judges marked Honeyball’s performance just one point behind Angelou’s, placing them in second for 15,000 house points. Pankhurst finish in third place for 10,000 house points, and Franklin were placed fourth for 5,000 house points.

The results were announced during the End of Term assemblies on Friday 31st March, and along with all the points earned for merits, commendations, attendance, interim competitions and academic awards, it was announced that Pankhurst had just retained their lead at the end of the term. Well done Pankhurst!

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