Head Prefects & Student Leadership Team announced

by Vashti Turner  on May 30, 2023  in  Academy News Sixth Form Student Leadership

The results of the student leadership applications has been announced in the end of Summer 1 assemblies and rewards form time celebrations on Friday 26th May.

The process has mirrored that of a job application in many respects, which has given students valuable experience. In the spirit of transparency, the Prefect candidates went through rounds 1 and 2 and the Head Prefects went through all of them, as follows.

In round one, candidates were selected based on the quality of their written applications. The Head of Sixth Form considered examples of when they displayed leadership skills, their ideas to improve KAA, and designing a House event. In round 2, students were interviewed by the Assistant Principal – Sixth Form, Director of Learning Year 12 or Director of Learning Year 13. Prefect candidates received 5 questions and Head Prefect candidates 7.  Each question carried a score of 5. In total, a potential 25/35 points could be awarded. From this, they were ranked and selected based on the quality of their answers. For Head Prefects, the total score per candidate carried a 0.75 weight to the overall score.

Eight candidates progressed to round three, for video campaigns and student elections. Candidates were asked to present a 60-second campaign video to allow the student body to offer their voice on who they want to see as their Head Prefects. In order not to make this a popularity contest and give an unfair advantage to students who might have been here since Year 7, for example, we totalled the number of votes per candidate which carried a 0.25 weight to the overall score. This meant the interviews, which offered more substance, carried more weight than the video campaigns. In round 4, the Sixth Form Leadership team ranked students by taking the interview scores and student votes with their respective weights to be used as a guide to help with the final round and selection process. The overall scores in most cases were very close.

The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) were given all the available evidence, which included answers to questions from the application, feedback from the interview, the overall scores and ranking and attendance and lateness percentages. Each member of SLT voted for who should take each position. Where a tie existed, the deciding vote was given to Miss Jordan, Head of School.

A huge congratulations to our new Head Prefect and Prefect Team:

Head Girl

Leya (12 Attlee)

Head Boy

David (12 Sirleaf)

Deputy Head Girl

Daanya (12 Nightingale)

Deputy Head Boy

Daniel (12 Wilberforce)


Ahmed (12 Attlee),  Ana-Andreea (12 Maathai), Courtney (12 Attlee), David (12 Tubman), Eliana (12 Ibrahim), Evan (12 Matthai), Hajara (12 Ebadi), Iona (12 Nightingale), Mercedes (12 Sirleaf), Misha (12 Tutu), Mohammed (12 Ibrahim), Muhammad (12 Attlee), Nathaniel (12 Fry), Nicolas (12 Fry), Othman (12 Gladstone), Remy (12 Maathai), Rim (12 Ibrahim), Salma (12 Attlee), Sarah (12 Sirleaf) and Yelyzaveta (12 Ibrahim).

Our Head Prefects for 2023-24, Daniel, David, Leya and Daanya

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