Autumn Term Assessment 2023

by Joanne Chen  on November 30, 2023  in  Assessment Parents

The Autumn Term assessment week for students in Years 7 to 10 takes place from Monday 11th December – Thursday 14th December 2023. A reminder that Friday 15th December 2023 is a staff training day and the school is closed to students.

Formal assessments are essential in many ways and form the basis of all attainment tracking and monitoring at KAA. They give teachers accurate information on the understanding of each child, encourage children to reflect on their own understanding and revise independently, show which students need further intervention and support, and keep parents informed of their child’s attainment and how they can support their progress at home.

Further information about which subjects your child will sit an assessment in and the content of your child’s assessments are provided in the parent guides for each year group listed below. Following the assessments this term, parents will receive a full Autumn Term report in January.

Y7 Assessment Week Parent Information

Y8 Assessment Week Parent Information

Y9 Assessment Week Parent Information

Y10 Assessment Week Parent Information

Progress meetings will follow on the following dates in the Spring term (please add to your diary now):

  • Y7 Progress Meetings – Thursday 18th January 2024, 4.30pm-7.30pm
  • Y8 Progress Meetings – Thursday 7th March 2024, 4.30pm-7.30pm
  • Y9 Progress Meetings – Thursday 25th April 2024, 4.30pm-7.30pm
  • Y10 Progress Meetings – Thursday 22nd February 2024, 4.30pm-7.30pm

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