Sporting legend Sol Campbell visits KAA

by Vashti Turner  on July 17, 2015  in  Academy News Entrepreneurship Sports

Yesterday afternoon KAA had a visit from London Mayor candidate Sol Campbell. The ex England footballer met Alex and Marvin, Kensington Creates entrepreneurs and owners of sport tech start-up The Sweat Experience. He then spoke with students on the MUGA as they took part in a football session.

Marvin Amankwa-Dei, CEO of The Sweat Experience said, “It was great to meet such an accomplished athlete, who Alex and myself have both grown up watching. His impact on the kids was very apparent, they were really inspired by his words of encouragement as well as being able to play a game of football with him. We were able to receive some great feedback from him about our business, where he encouraged us to look at our business from perspectives that we had not yet explored. Overall, it was very inspiring to hear about of his views on the culture that currently exists in London and his plans on expanding opportunities for those who have not yet tapped into them.”

After the visit Sol Campbell tweeted that we are building ‘an inspiring community’ at KAA.


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