Spectacular Christmas Concert with Years 7 to 12

by Vashti Turner  on December 14, 2016  in  Creativity Music

Last night we had our first Christmas concert involving students from both key stage 3 and sixth form. It was brilliant to see our Year 12s collaborating with students from Years 7 to 9 across all three strands of Performing Arts; Music, Drama and Dance.img_6090

A full audience of students, staff and family enjoyed performances from the KAA Choir, Orchestra and Samba band. Tara (12 Roosevelt), Indigo (12 Sirleaf) and Chase (12 Sirleaf) from our A level Dance course contributed with a contemporary piece choreographed by Mr Dunning. A group of students studying A level Drama – Kai (12 Sirleaf), Charlotte (12 Tutu) and Titilayo (12 Maathai) – performed a scene from George Orwell’s 1984. The evening also included a piano solo from Sofia (8 Chaplin), a piano duet from Milan (9 Balon) and Stefano (9 Winfrey), and a performance of Ed Sheeran’s Thinking Out Loud by Zena (9 Dyson), Safiyah (9 Jobs) and Amani (9 Oliver), accompanied on guitar by Chase (12 Sirleaf). The choir’s closing song was a particular highlight, a rendition of Mika’s Happy Ending with beautiful lead vocals from Hiba (12 Roosevelt).img_6042

Thank you to our Performing Arts team, Mr Fisher, Mr Rigby, Mr Kavanagh, Miss Gurnell and Mr Dunning for all their work organising the spectacular show. img_6080

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