
Category: Performance and Creative Arts

Salma wins internship at the Aldridge Signature Junior Art exhibition

by Vashti Turner  on February 14, 2020  in  Academy News Creativity Performance and Creative Arts

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Salma wins internship at the Aldridge Signature Junior Art exhibition - Preview Image

February Half Term Activities 2020

by Vashti Turner  on January 29, 2020  in  Events Performance and Creative Arts

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February Half Term Activities 2020 - Preview Image

Performing Arts Showcase ticket reservation

by Vashti Turner  on January 23, 2020  in  Events Performance and Creative Arts

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Performing Arts Showcase ticket reservation - Preview Image

Our Story with Gareth Malone

by Vashti Turner  on January 6, 2020  in  Dance Drama Music Performance and Creative Arts

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Our Story with Gareth Malone - Preview Image

Biggest Christmas Concert to date

by Vashti Turner  on January 6, 2020  in  Dance Drama Music Performance and Creative Arts

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Biggest Christmas Concert to date - Preview Image

KAA’s Got Talent 2019

by Vashti Turner  on December 4, 2019  in  Creativity Music Performance and Creative Arts

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KAA’s Got Talent 2019 - Preview Image

Christmas Concert tickets now on sale

by Vashti Turner  on November 26, 2019  in  Creativity Events Music Performance and Creative Arts

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Christmas Concert tickets now on sale - Preview Image