Commendation Assembly marks the end of a successful first Half Term

by Vashti Turner  on November 10, 2014  in  Academy News House Competitions Sponsor

End of Aut 1 Assembly
End of Aut 1 Assembly

Sir Rod Aldridge presented students with their commendation certificates at the end of Autumn 1 Half Term as the Academy celebrated a successful first half term.

During the assembly Year 7 student Maisie Wiggins, who attends West London Citizens Enrichment, spoke eloquently on the subject ‘Entrepreneurship and What It Means To Me’, illustrating very clearly the Entrepreneurial values already prevalent at KAA. Staff, students, and guests enjoyed a performance from the School Choir, as well as a whole-school rendition of the school song. In addition to the presentation of commendation certificates, Rita Shaqiri was awarded Reader of Aut 1 Term and received 100 House Points for Angelou, and a number of students received awards for excellence in P.E during the first  half term.

The announcement of the Junk to Funk winner, our first House Competition, was eagerly anticipated by students. Sir Rod Aldridge helped to select an overall winning house and an individual winner. The winning house, receiving 2000 House Points, was Angelou. The Angelou entries included a paper mâché bird house, a recycled dress revamped with ‘Junk’ accessories, and a giant word slider game made of recycled materials. The extra prize for the best individual entry was awarded to Carina O’Dell, Amy Steadman, Nyat Asfaha and Chiara Cumbo for the piece  “Wardrobe & Clothes”.

The final standings for House Points after all of these awards saw Angelou in the lead at the end of Aut 1. The students have already become very involved in the house system so there was great excitement as Mr Benson revealed the winning house. Congratulations to Angelou for their hard work during the first term! However, all is still to play for over the next five terms, and with less than a thousand points between Angelou and the other houses, the competition to win KAA’s first ever House Cup will be eagerly fought.

House Competition: Junk to Funk
House Competition: Junk to Funk

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