
Homework is important for two key reasons. 1) It supplements and reinforces the academic content students cover in lessons, and 2) good independent study habits are essential to succeed when students reach key stages 4 and 5. It’s vital that students take homework seriously and complete it to the best of their ability.

Key Stage 3

Not all subjects will set homework at KS3. As you can see below, only English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, MFL and RE will set homework. Homework tasks should be 15-20 minutes long, and used to practise, retrieve and embed core knowledge. To keep things simple for students, in most subjects, homework is set on a specific day of the week, and due in the same time a week later. Some subjects set homework online; any log-ins and passwords they need will be recorded in their planner. It might be worth making a note of these at home in case they get lost.

Key Stage 4

Teachers will set homework in a way that best suits the subject. This will take around 30-minutes to complete and students should make sure they are aware of the deadlines. Students who do not submit their homework, or do not complete homework to a high enough standard, will receive a detention as per the KAA behaviour policy. We want to avoid this wherever possible, and offer a daily H/W club during enrichment from 4-5pm in the KS3 library where students can access Chromebooks and work with teacher supervision and support.

Key Stage 5

Homework at A Level is a mixture of independent pre-reading and applied work (like essays or revision for mini-tests and quizzes). Subjects set up to 2 hours a week for Y12 and Y13 in total.