Launch of House Art for Autumn 2

by Vashti Turner  on November 9, 2020  in  House Competitions

The Autumn 2 major house competition is House Art – students are challenged to create two or more puppets based on a traditional folk story.

Students will work in groups of maximum four students per year to create two puppets inspired by a traditional folk story. Materials may be prepared in advance but all the construction must be done within the competition slot – dates to be announced during tutor time. Students will be asked to provide a written description of who the puppets are, what the story is, the story’s origin and why it was chosen. Points will be awarded for relevance to the chosen story, use of traditional patterns, fabrics and styles relevant to the story, and the movement of the puppets.

As usual for a major house competition, there are 20,000 house points available for the winner, 15,000 for second place, 10,000 for third place and 5,000 points for fourth.

Further information is available from form tutors this week!

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