London Youth Rowing Sessions

by Vashti Turner  on January 21, 2016  in  Sports

LYR year 8On Wednesday 20th January, Lawrence from London Youth Rowing returned to KAA to run two taster sessions with year 7 and year 8 classes.

The Year 7’s went first and with 100% focus and determination in their rows some managed to exceed 450m in the 2 minute time limit. Mierna (7 Kahlo) came out strong with an impressive 468m.

In the second session the year 8s had their chance to see how far they could row, this time in 3 mins. Many of the boys come out strong beating the average for their age group. Ali (8 Dyson) rowed the furthest, completing over 750m!

KAA will be taking a team to the upcoming Indoor Rowing Competition in the next couple of weeks, so hopefully their practice will pay off.

LYR y8

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