Pankhurst in the lead at the end of Autumn 2

by Vashti Turner  on December 17, 2021  in  House Competitions

The final day of the Autumn2 term on Friday 17th December saw students and staff come together for rewards assemblies to receive their commendation certificates, silver merits and gold merits, and academic awards for the half term and find out the total house points for the autumn term!

The final house points totals were then revealed… congratulations to PANKHURST who have finished the autumn term in the lead for the 2021-22 house cup! However, after Franklin’s house music win they are hot on the heels of Pankhurst with just over 1,000 points between them!

Please do ensure you read the Principal’s end of term update here: End of Autumn Term Principal’s Update – 17 December 2021

Students return to school on Wednesday 5th January!


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