Pankhurts wins House Art and current House Cup standings

by Joanne Chen  on December 16, 2022  in  Academy News

The Autumn 2 major house competition was House Art & Design, led by our Head of Art, Ms Parker. The competition saw each house tasked with creating the scenery and props for the school panto “Aladdin”. Over 50 students worked collaboratively across the four sets and collection of props during form time and after school workshops with their Heads of House and the art department. There was pressure to deliver some fantastic sets, and students participating in House Art & Design to create them didn’t disappoint!

Each house was tasked with creating one large scale set design and 3-4 props inspired by the scene randomly assigned to the house. They then had a number of tutor time and after school studio sessions to complete the designs.

Angelou students created a beautiful palace back drop with golden domes , accompanied by a wedding cake for their prop:

Franklin created the palace interior secenery, with free-standing ornate pillars and a snake staff prop for Jaffar:

Honeyball created a Honey & Tea shop back drop, complete with 3D shelving and an enormous burger prop:

Pankhurst painted an apple store for their scenery and numerous apples, potion bottles and other food items for their props:

To add drama to the competition, the panto audience on Thursday 15th December were given the chance to vote for their favourite props and scenery after watching the show to decide the winners of the major house competition. The winner was announced in the End of Term assemblied on Friday 16th December – a huge well done to Pankhurst who won first place. Angelou placed second, Honeyball third and Franklin fourth.

As we break up for the Christmas Holidays, here are the current standings for the House Cup:

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