Sports Day 2016
by Vashti Turner on July 18, 2016 in House Competitions Sports
By Miss Demeester
On Friday 15th July our second annual sports day took place at the Linford Christie Stadium. Students were very excited and came to school decked in their house colours. Pankhurst took an early lead at the first points update after the 200m and 400m events.
The tug of war was a highlight of the day. The year 7 Franklin team had an impressive victory, but it was Angelou in the semi-finals that stole the show. At the very cusp of defeat they pulled back and took a place in the finals where they narrowly missed out on victory. The teachers’ event was also hotly contested. Honeyball beat Pankhurst to take on Franklin in the final. After much effort Franklin were victorious for the staff.
There was much fun to be had in the three legged and egg and spoon races, and at the next points update Pankhurst were still clinging on to the lead. In the staff relay the Franklin women dominated the race claiming victory whilst it was the Pankhurst men who placed first in their race. Mr Malik recruited a team of parents to compete in the staff race, much to the delight of the students. Huge thanks to the family members for their display of intrepidus by forming an impromptu relay team! The year 8 Angelou girls claimed an easy win in their relay, but it was Franklin who came out on top in the other relay events.
Knowing the points were close everything was to play for in the final event of the day, the 100m sprint. Angelou girls dominated their races with Kashele Phillip and Asia Phillips taking first place. Whilst, Kyle Simpson won for Franklin in the year 7 boys.
The atmosphere was tense as Mr Bernard read out the final points of the day. Honeyball placed 4th, Angelou 3rd, Pankhurst 2nd and it was victory for Franklin! Regardless of the results all students had a brilliant day and the PE department would like to thank all the staff for their support throughout.

Position | House | Points |
1st | Franklin | 2000 |
2nd | Pankhurst | 1500 |
3rd | Angelou | 1000 |
4th | Honeyball | 500 |
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