Spring Term 2020 Enrichment Options
by Vashti Turner on December 16, 2019 in Enrichment
Across the Autumn term our enrichment programme has seen students getting involved in a range of wonderful activities, including the release of the very first KAA news episode and KADA’s fantastic adaptation of Alice which they will be performing on Tuesday 4th February at the Performing Arts showacase. We are now looking towards the Spring term, and the 2020 enrichment options.
The spring term enrichment programme will run from Wednesday 15th January 2020 to Wednesday 1st April 2020. The slide show below show illustrates all of the clubs available, and students should submit their choices no later than Friday 10th January 2020. Students can register on KAA online at https://sites.google.com/a/kaa.org.uk/kaa-student-portal/enrichment (please note that you must be logged into your child’s school account on the browser to access KAA Online).
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