Y11 and Y13 half term revision sessions
by Vashti Turner on February 5, 2024 in Holiday Revision
February half term takes place from Monday 12th February to Friday 16th February, with a staff training day on Monday 19th February. Students return to school on Tuesday 20th February (with the exception of Year 11 Product Design students who must attend a compulsory coursework practical on Monday 19th February).
Year 11 spring mocks take place from Monday 26th February to Friday 8th March, and Year 13 spring mocks are happening from Monday 4th March to Friday 15th March 2024. This means there is only 1 school week between Year 11 students returning to school after half term and spring mock exams beginning, and 2 weeks for Year 13. Students will receive their mock timetables in the first week back to school. Year 11 and 13 students should use the half-term break to start their revision for these exams.
A number of teachers are offering revision and intervention sessions offered to Year 11 and Year 13 over the half-term break. Where an intervention is for “targeted students only”, teachers will inform your child that they are expected to attend, otherwise, all students who study the subject are welcome to attend the advertised sessions. Full timetables are provided below.
Students must arrive on time via the designated school entrance to be signed into the building by their teacher – please note latecomers may not be admitted. Students are not permitted to remain in the building after sessions finish.
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