Year 12 Enrolment Day

by Vashti Turner  on August 17, 2018  in  Academy News Exams Sixth Form

Our first cohort of sixth formers received their A level results on Thursday 16th August. Our founder sixth formers did exceptionally well, with 62% of all entries graded A* – B and 99.6% of entries achieving A* – E grades. Our value added score indicates our students perform a third of a grade better at A Level than those with the same GCSE results in other schools. You can read more about our students’ results on our news pages and in the national media.

Our sixth form team now looks forward to enrolment for our new year 12 students. Enrolment day will take place on Thursday 23rd August at Kensington Aldridge Academy, 1 Silchester Road, London, W10 6EX. Offer-holders can enroll for KAA Sixth from 10am on GCSE results day. Please ensure you bring your results transcript with you.

Late applicants meeting all of our entry criteria are welcome to come to KAA from 1pm. If there are spaces available we will be happy to enrol additional students after we have honoured existing offers.

To find out more about the benefits of studying at KAA Sixth Form, visit our sixth form pages.

Year 11 students interested in joining Sixth Form in September 2019 should register now for our upcoming sixth form open evenings on Thursday 11th October and Thursday 8th November from 5pm-8pm. Registration is now open on our applications page.

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