Welcome Back Year 11 Parent Evening

by Vashti Turner  on October 6, 2020  in  Parents

We are sad to not be able to see our new Year 11 parents in person at the academy for our Welcome Back parent information evening. However, we are pleased be able to present this virtual presentation from Ms Gurnell, Assistant Principal & Director of Learning for Year 11. This presentation provides our vision for Year 11 and outlines the key things for students to focus on to maximise their success this year. As well as the 15 minute presentation, we have provided three “how to succeed” documents for the core subjects – students will be given printed copies of these documents on Thursday.

We hope it is helpful – if you have any questions after having watched this please do feel free to email your child’s form tutor or info@kaa.org.uk.

How do I prepare for GCSE Science

How do I revise for GCSE English

How do I succeed in GCSE Maths

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