Easter Break Activities 2023

by Vashti Turner  on March 21, 2023  in  Parents

Students are on Easter break from Monday 3rd April to Monday 17th April and return to school at 8.30am on Tuesday 18th April. KAA is offering revision sessions for students in Year 11 & Year 13. We’ve also listed below a range of other activities in the community for students this Easter.

This page will be updated daily until Friday 31st March with further information as more community activities are confirmed.


Y11 and Y13 Revision Sessions at KAA

The following Easter revision sessions are being offered to students in Y11 and 13 over the holiday at KAA. Further sessions will be added up until Monday 27th March, when a full timetable will be sent to students and parents via email. Speak to your classroom teachers this week if you are unsure about which sessions you / your child should attend.

Year 11

Y11 Easter Revision Parent Letter – 27 March 2023

Year 13

Y13 Easter Revision Parent Letter

Free Activities and Healthy Food for Children and Young People

The Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme is a Department for Education (DfE) initiative that provides free activities and food provision for children aged 4 to 16 eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) during the Easter, Summer and Christmas Holidays. The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster City Council offer a HAF Programme, providing an array of enriching and fun activities for local young people throughout the school holidays.

For further information and to book your child a place, visit https://ourcity.org.uk/haf-programme


Fulham Reach Rowing Courses

Fulham Reach and The London Sports Trust are running FREE rowing courses for students in Year 9 to Year 13 this Easter from Monday 3rd to Thursday 6th April.

For further information and to book visit https://www.fulhamreachboatclub.co.uk/free-easter-rowing-course

Bloomsbury Football Camp

Bloomsbury Football are running an Easter camp at the Westway Sports Centre from 3rd April to 6th April, from 10:00 am. to 3:00 pm. These places are free for students on free school meals at your school, free hot meals will be provided for these students. Please use code “Easterfsm” at checkout use a link below.


If you have any further question please contact via email at holidays@bloomsburyfootball.com

Join the RBKC Youth “Newz Crew”

RBKC have launched an inclusive borough youth newsletter – “All For Youth”. You can read the March edition via the link below. This SEND-inclusive newsletter is written by young people for young people in WCC and RBKC. RBKC are looking for more children and young people to send in content – see the attached flyer for how to get involved in the Newz Crew.

All for Youth March 2023 Compressed


Free Easter Boxing Camp

Treasure Boxing Club is hosting a free Easter Boxing Camp from Monday 3rd April to Thursday 6th April 1-5pm at Moberly Sports Centre, 25 Chamberlayne Road, London, NW10 3NB.

Children who live or go school in Westminster/RBKC who are on free school meals are eligible for this camp. You can sign up here.

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